Color is one of the most important parts of our life. When designing, it takes a fundamental place in our processes. We love color, everything it represents, what it transmits and how it influences people. The color palette we use is a benchmark in our designs and projects, since we use characteristic colors.
The future of color
Every year, different brands announce the colors that will be in trend for the following year. For its part, Comex brings together a team of experts from different creative areas of Mexico to select the color of the year. Banquet 034-07 was chosen as the color for 2021.
It is an organic yellow with medium tones, which represents a new, more mature and optimistic Mexico. It refers to the colors of our gastronomy, such as corn, pumpkin flower and cempasúchil. We could describe it as: Elegant, emotional, interactive, metaphorical and positive.
We particularly loved the Banquet color, because of all that it can create, using it alone or combining it with other shades. We believe that it has different personalities, it can be relaxing or energetic, depending on how we complement it.
We used Banquet on a wall at the entrance of one of our spaces within the Creative Rooms at Design House, we really liked the contrast it gave with all the furniture we used. In addition to helping us strengthen the main idea we had when creating that space. He invited us to enter an area with a positive and reflective vibe.
Color in our work
We have pieces where color is the main protagonist, like our Candy Mirrors, which cannot go unnoticed wherever they are being used. We like to take risks and get out of the mold when using it. A small touch of color can completely change the essence of a piece, a clear example is our Fresh Console, where the doors and the pull-out unit contrast perfectly with the natural tone of Walnut.
We believe that 2021 will be a year of growth and new challenges full of color. For our part, we will continue creating and helping to strengthen the design industry in Mexico by creating useful, simple and beautiful furniture.